Multi-Tenancy - Teams or Personal Account

Multi-tenancy in ZTO SaaS Starter Kit allows you to host multiple teams on a single instance of the application.

You can enable or disable the team feature in the .env file by setting the NEXT_PUBLIC_TEAM_ENABLED variable to true or false.

  • Personal Account: When the team feature is disabled, the project is only available for individual users.
  • Team Account: When the team feature is enabled, users can create and manage teams.


NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS=true # Enable team accounts

# Other team settings
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_DELETION=true # Allow users to delete teams
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_BILLING=true # Enable billing for teams
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_TEAM_ACCOUNTS_CREATION=true # Allow users to create teams